Beginner Stretching Routines for Pain Relief

New to stretching and flexibility exercises?
Enjoy our easy-to-follow pain relief inspired Stretching Routines to release tension in your whole body.

Why you should make stretching a routine

Improved Flexibility

Stretching helps to improve your flexibility, which can make it easier to do everyday activities and reduce your risk of injury.

Think of riding the car or a bike. Can you look over your shoulders without having to turn most of your upper body?

Reduced Muscle Pain

Stretching can help to reduce muscle tension and pain, which can improve your quality of life and make it easier to exercise.

Our approach is simple. We believe that you can treat almost any pain caused by poor posture or a lack of movement. Try it out!

Improved Posture

Stretching can help to improve your posture by reducing muscle tension and stiffness.

From a psychological point of view, correct posture can make us look and feel more confident.

Reduced Stress

Stretching can help to reduce stress levels and improve your overall well-being.

Stretching can also be a helpful way to manage stress by providing a time and space to focus on oneself and physiological and psychological benefits. 

Consider this when stretching for the first times as a beginner:

  • Start gently!

Start with gentle, static stretches that don't require excessive flexibility.

  • Breathe deeply and slowly while stretching!

This will help to relax your muscles and make the stretch more effective.

  • Don't bounce while stretching!

Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your stretches as your flexibility improves, without bouncing.

  • Hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds!

This is the ideal amount of time it takes for the muscles to relax and lengthen.

  • Don't stretch to the point of pain!

If you feel pain, stop the stretch. Don't go above a 6 or 7 if you had to rate your pain while stretching on a scale from 1 to 10.

different types of stretches

Understanding Different Types of Stretches: Static, Dynamic, and PNF

Stretching is a crucial component of maintaining flexibility, relieving pain, and enhancing overall physical performance. There are various stretching techniques, each with its unique approach and benefits. Let's explore the differences between static stretches, dynamic stretches, and PNF stretches, and how to perform them:

1. Static Stretches

Static stretching is a commonly practiced method that involves holding a specific position where a muscle or group of muscles is stretched to its furthest point and held in that position for a set duration. This type of stretch is ideal for improving flexibility and reducing muscle tension. Most of the exercises on consist of static stretches as this type of stretching is easiest for beginners.

2. Dynamic Stretches

Dynamic stretching involves active movements that mimic the motions you'll perform during an upcoming activity or exercise. Unlike static stretches, dynamic stretches are not held in a fixed position; instead, they engage multiple muscle groups and prepare your body for physical exertion.

3. PNF Stretches (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)

PNF stretching is an advanced technique that aims to improve flexibility and mobility. It involves a combination of stretching and contracting the targeted muscle group. PNF stretches are often done with a partner for optimal results.

stretching for beginners - exercises for the whole body 

Do-it-yourself exercises for fixing most common problems. Five Muscles put together +30 easy stretches for beginners. All you need is dedication and not more than a few minutes a day.

Back exercises

Leg exercises

Shoulder exercises

Wrist exercises

Neck exercises

Chest exercises

common questions beginners have about stretching

Consider this when stretching for the first times as a beginner:

In our modern, sedentary lifestyles, many of us suffer from body pain and poor posture due to extended periods of sitting, often hunched over screens. However, there is a simple and effective solution – stretching exercises for beginners. In this guide, we'll explore how stretching can help relieve pain in various parts of the body and provide insights on starting your stretching routine.

What Are Stretching Exercises for Pain Relief?

Stretching exercises for pain relief are a set of gentle movements that target specific muscle groups. These exercises aim to reduce muscle tension, improve flexibility, and promote better blood circulation, ultimately alleviating discomfort. For beginners, it's crucial to start with basic stretches that are easy to perform.

How Does Stretching Help with Poor Posture and Pain?

Stretching helps with poor posture and pain by addressing the root causes of discomfort. When we sit for extended periods, muscles can become tight and imbalanced, leading to discomfort. Stretching can correct these imbalances, making your muscles more pliable and promoting better posture. Stretching also eases muscle tension, which is a common source of pain.

How Often Should You Stretch?

The frequency of your stretching routine depends on your goals and schedule. For beginners, aim for at least three days a week. As you progress, consider daily stretches or incorporating them into your regular workout routine. Consistency is key to reaping the benefits of stretching.

How Long Should You Stretch Per Exercise?

The duration of each stretch can vary but typically ranges from 30 to 45 seconds for beginners. If you're more experienced, you can hold stretches for up to 60 seconds. Remember to maintain proper form and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially as a beginner. Over time, you can increase the time spent on each stretch to maximize the benefits.

Do you Need Stretching Equipment and Props?

Enhance your stretching routine by using equipment like foam rollers, resistance bands, or yoga blocks. These aids can help you target specific muscle groups more effectively, deepen your stretches, and prevent strain or discomfort. Exploring the use of stretching equipment can take your flexibility journey to the next level. However, most of our stretching exercises for beginners don't need any of those things. All you need is basic equipment everybody has at home.

Stretching for Post-Workout Recovery?

Post-workout stretching can aid in muscle recovery and reduce the risk of soreness. Incorporate stretches that focus on the muscle groups you've used during your exercise. These post-workout stretches help relax muscles, improve circulation, and promote quicker recovery.

What are Breathing Techniques for Beginners?

Effective stretching involves synchronizing your breath with your movements. Proper breathing helps you relax and increase your range of motion. Learn about different breathing techniques to apply during your stretches, ensuring a more harmonious and beneficial stretching experience. The thumb of rule is: Breath deeply and slowly. If you catch yourself holding your breath or panting, the stretching exercise may be intensive for you.

Can you Incorporate Stretching into Daily Routines?

Discover strategies to make stretching a regular part of your daily life. Whether you want to incorporate stretches into your morning routine, workspace, or bedtime ritual, there are various ways to weave stretching seamlessly into your daily activities. Some of our stretches for beginners can even be exercises at your desk or while waiting at a red line. Find your own rituals!

Can you adapt Stretches for Flexibility Levels?

As a beginner, it's important to adapt stretches to your current level of flexibility. Start with basic stretches and gradually increase intensity as you become more flexible. This progressive approach ensures a safe and manageable journey toward improved flexibility. Once you advanced and feel comfortable enough to take your stretching exercises to the next level, intensify the stretches you already know or search for more intermediate exercises.

In Conclusion

Stretching exercises for beginners can be a powerful tool to alleviate pain caused by poor posture and modern-day lifestyles. By establishing a routine, focusing on proper form, and gradually increasing the duration of your stretches, you can experience the positive effects of stretching in your daily life.

So, whether you're looking to establish a stretching routine for beginners, relieve body pain, or simply enhance your overall well-being, these stretching exercises are an accessible and effective way to make a positive change. Start today, and discover the difference stretching can make in your life.